Dry Hydrant #70 - Four Bridge-Mount Installations in Chatham County, Georgia
By President Mark Davis
March 13, 2025
Two weeks ago we completed the installation of four, bridge-mount dry fire hydrants in Chatham County, Georgia. The swiveling dry fire hydrants were funded by Chatham County Government in order to improve access to tidal water supplies for fire protection. The project was lead by Founders Maintenance & Restoration out of Savannah, Georgia and we worked with them to design and install the final products at four different locations along the Atlantic coast. Three of the installations used our saddle-mount bracket designs and the one on Tybee Island used our angle-mount design. All four installations used a suspended-suction strainer design instead of our usual stream bed strainer load-carrying design. The suspended strainer design was needed due to the tidal waters and the length of pipe required to reach mean-tide level. The dry hydrants are our first in Georgia! Many thanks to the folks from Chatham County Government and Founders Maintenance & Restoration for thinking of us.
Pre-construction meeting with all the stakeholders.
Catalina Drive - Tybee Island.
Catalina Drive - finished
Catalina Drive - angle-mount bracket design.
Sullivan Street - we had to work around some utilities.
The old DFH on Catalina Drive. This was removed later in the morning by the Founders Maintenance & Restoration folks.
The old DFH on Catalina Drive.
Getting the angle mount installed.
All four installations used an ETT 6-inch NH female head on a Sch 40 PVC 90-deg elbow.
Sullivan Street - done.
Saddle-mount design for Sullivan Street.
Hunt Drive installation.
Our saddle-mount design provides new access to the tidal Moon River on Sullivan Street in Savannah, Georgia.
All four installations used an ETT 6-inch stream strainer.