Since we just finalized plans to head back to Franklin County, Kansas this coming October, we took a few minutes to look back through photos from our last seminar there back in 2013. It was a hot August weekend and the folks did a nice job of hauling water with quite a variety of water hauling rigs. Wellsville's Tender 3761 brought 1800 gallons of water to the game. Nothing fancy about the rig; a simple water hauler designed to support water supply operations across the rural areas of that part of Kansas. On the "business" end of the rig it was easy to see that it was set up to load fast by having a fill-line hose pre-connected, and using cam lock fittings on that fill hose. On the dump site end of things, the rig also had a jet siphon pre-connected to one of the suction hoses. All little things that can make a big difference in the water supply operation. We're not sure that we will see Tender 3761 this year...we will see what happens.
Wellsville Tender 3761 (from 2013) 1000 gpm/1800 gal tank/2100 gal dump tank.
Equipped to speed up the loading process and help out dump site operations if needed. Nothing fancy but certainly effective.