Hauling Water - Connecticut Style! The Newest Member of Our 1000 GPM Club!
By President Mark Davis
June 6, 2024
On June 2nd, around 50 folks from Riverton and the surrounding Litchfield County, Connecticut area participated in a 2-hour rural water supply drill. The drill culminated our 16-hr Rural Water Supply Operations Seminar that was sponsored by the Winsted Area Chiefs and hosted by the Riverton VFD. All of Saturday day and Sunday morning were spent reviewing the best practices of hauling water with tankers. Sunday afternoon the participants got to try their hand at building out a large-scale water supply operation using three pumpers and nine tankers. Over the course of the 2-hour drill the folks used two fill sites and a four-dump tank operation to develop a peak flow of 1600 gpm. Because the crews never ran out of water and were able to flow in excess of 1000 gpm during the last hour of the drill they were awarded membership in our exclusive 1000 GPM Club! Congratulations! Many thanks to Chief Norman Bird and the members of the Riverton VFD for the outstanding logistical support. Instructors for the weekend were Mark Davis and Tim Legore.
Reviewing the best practices of hauling water with tankers.
Time changes many things.
Rural hitch in operation.
Riverton Engine 4 (2000 gpm) used multiple suction lines to support the 1600 gpm flow plus supply three water transfer devices. The pumper pumped in excess of 2200 gpm at its peak.
Crews worked really hard over the 2-hour period to provide an uninterrupted flow.