Dry Hydrant Design #63 - Bridge-Mount Installation - McClean, NY
By President Mark Davis
March 21, 2024
This week we completed the installation of one of our bridge-mount dry fire hydrants on a bridge over Fall Creek in McClean, New York. The project was funded by the McLean Fire District and used our angle-mount bracket system. The lift at the bridge was pretty high (16-feet) but the water supply was abundant and usable. A 6-inch ETT brand female dry hydrant head and a 6-inch ETT stream strainer were used on the system. A flow of 809 gpm was attained during the flow test using McLean FD's Engine 1201. Many thanks to the McClean Fire District for choosing our dry fire hydrant design.
McClean Engine 1201 (1500 gpm) drafts for the first time using the new bridge-mount DFH.