On July 23rd, about 30 folks from several fire halls in Wheatland County, Alberta spent their Sunday afternoon hauling water with tenders. The 2-hour drill was the culmination of our 16-hr Rural Water Supply Operations Seminar that was sponsored and hosted by Wheatland County Fire Services. The weekend began with a morning classroom session reviewing the best practices of hauling water with tenders. Then Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning were spent practicing dump site and fill site skills with a focus on the best practices given the apparatus and equipment available.
The 2-hour drill Sunday afternoon used two engines and four tenders to supply water to a simulated fire event on Range Road 230 near Standard, AB. A single, fill site using a an irrigation canal supplied water for the three-dump tank operation. The fill site provided about a 6km roundtrip for the rigs hauling water and a peak flow of 3,000 lpm was achieved during the last 20-minutes of the drill.
This was our 7th seminar in Alberta...always a great time! Many thanks to the folks from Wheatland County Fire Services for having us. Instructors for the weekend seminar were Mark Davis and Tim Legore.
Standard W71, Standard W75, Standard W77, West Wheatland Engine 9, West Wheatland Tender 9, and Rosebud W63