Dump Site Operations #25 - Dump Tank Drains - Know How Your's Secures
By President Mark Davis
January 22, 2022
Twenty-five years ago pretty much everyone's dump tank drains stowed in the same fashion using a piece of rope and a dog leash clip. Not true today....actually for the better. Dump tank manufacturers have worked hard to improve the means by which the drains are secured so that leakage is minimal when the tank is full...while at the same time being easy to release when it is time to drain the tank.
However, because there are now subtle differences in how the drain sleeves are secured that means folks have to be good about stowing the drains and tanks in the proper manner. Otherwise, a "drain crisis" might occur at the next emergency incident. In the photos shown in this news story, the tank drain was not secured as designed and created a bit of problem....not a disaster....but also not easily fixable on site.
Make sure everyone knows how to secure the drains on your dump tanks before stowing them for the next use.
Hmmm...not really the correct way of securing the drain for this model dump tank.