Tanker Operations #21 - Fill Site Set-up Minimizes Tanker Maneuvering
By President Mark Davis
July 2, 2020
Nothing fancy here....just looking through some photos from 2015 (pandemic therapy) and found some from our seminar in Wentworth, NH. Orford Engine 3 (1250 gpm) did a nice job of accessing a dry fire hydrant down at a river and then supplying an LDH appliance up on the main road so that tankers simply stopped along the side of the road and loaded. This easily could have gotten messed up by trying to have the tankers back down the access road for loading...it didn't...but it could have. About 400 feet of 4-inch hose was needed to supply the loading appliance. Also of note, take a good look at the amount of suction hose carried on the end....they clearly "get it" about being ready to draft in the non-hydranted areas.
Plenty of suction hose on this pumper! They get it!
Orford Engine 3 accesses a dry fire hydrant along a river and supplies water through 400 feet of 4-inch LDH to a jumbo wye for tanker loading.