What's On Your Tanker #53 - Bringing the Goods
By President Mark Davis
May 16, 2024

Tankers need to bring more stuff to the"game" than just water. We often use Union Fire Co Tanker 21 out of Oxford, PA as an example of a nicely designed tanker that brings some good stuff to a dump site. Besides its 3,000 gallons of water it can deliver twin, 3,000-gallon dump tanks, 40-ft of 6-inch suction hose, a top-performing low level strainer, a jet siphon, and some other often needed goodies. When Tanker 21 is the first-arriving tanker at a dump site it has a lot to contribute to the rapid build out of an effective dump tank operation. They have participated in a couple of our 2-hr drills and always were effective in their delivery.