Dry Hydrant Design #58 - Jericho, Vermont
By President Mark Davis
September 14, 2023

On September 11th we completed another bridge-mount dry fire hydrant installation for the Vermont Rural Fire Protection Task Force. This time, the installation was in northern Vermont about 9 miles east of Burlington. Earlier in the year folks from the Underhill-Jericho FD contacted us about a possible installation on Fitzsimmonds Road at the bridge over Mill Brook. In April we paid a visit to assess the bridge and collect measurements. Everything was a "go" and we were able to complete the installation this week. The system used an ETT 6-inch NH female suction head and an ETT 6-inch stream strainer. Lift at the brook on test day was right around 14-ft. This was our first installation using our new "ice breaker" bolt; a design that incorporates a 6-inch bolt near the strainer. The bolt can be used to help penetrate ice on the brook during the colder months. Many thanks to the Vermont Rural Fire Protection Task Force for providing funding for the installation and many thanks to the Underhill-Jericho FD for their work to bring the project to fruition.