Dump Site Operations - Tank Size Identification
By President Mark Davis
May 29, 2014

While running our 2-day rural water supply operations seminar in Whitewater, Wisconsin back in April we came across a really good idea - marking the portable dump tank with a tag that shows the size of the dump tank. In most cases, when running a dump site, tanks have to be used in their order of arrival given the urgency of the matter (the fire!). However, if time permits and more than one dump tank is available, it is helpful to know the size of the dump tank in some instances so that maximum storage can occur or a larger tank can be placed nearer the dump site pumper in order to better support drafting operations.

We found that the folks at the Whitewater FD (Jefferson County) carried two dump tanks on their 4,200-gallon tankers and marked the dump tanks with "cow tags." The tags were stamped with the volume of the dump tank. One quick look at the dump tank frame, and it is clear to anyone the capacity of the tank - great idea. We thought we would pass it on.