Summit County, Ohio - Rural Water Supply Drill
By President Mark Davis
November 14, 2013

On October 12, 2013, the Richfield (Ohio) FD hosted a "Water Delivery Operational Training" sponsored by the Ohio Fire Chiefs' Association Water Delivery Technical Advisory Committee and the Summit County Code 10 Water Shuttle Training Committee. The drill was an opportunity for mutual aid partners to practice hauling water with tenders: it also provided an opportunity to look at and use a number of "new technological advances" in terms of equipment (Fol-Da-Tank, Trident Emergency Products, Fireman's Friend, Stock Mfg)

Forty-nine participants from eight counties used seven tenders and two pumpers to sustain a 1,100 gpm flow. A traditional, pressurized fire hydrant was used as the lone fill site; the fill site pumper loaded tenders using 4-inch LDH.

The dump site used four of Fol-Da-Tank's new, Single-Lane Tanks [SLT] (2,000 gal each) set up in a "two-in-front" and "two-in-rear" configuration. All of the tenders that could side dump simply drove along the SLTs and dumped as needed. The dump site pumper was equipped with a Trident Automatic Air Primer and the operator never had to touch the primer beyond the initial prime - even when one of the SLTs emptied.

The two-hour drill was a success and many thanks to the sponsoring committees for making the drill a reality and many thanks to Fol-Da-Tank for supporting the drill. Also - many thanks to Parker Browne for supplying the photos and information for this story.